Life is beautiful. See it clearly.
Monday-Friday: 8AM-5PM
9201 Sunset Boulevard, Suite 709
West Hollywood, CA 90069
Your continued eye health is our number one priority. As such, we urge you to strictly adhere to our post-operative care guidelines in order to ensure the success of your procedure, preserve your vision and prevent complications.
Please make sure you have filled your prescribed medications before the day of your surgery, as you will need to start using them right away.
Immediately after the surgery you will be taken into the recovery room with dark glasses on. You will be in this area for about 30 minutes to one hour to recover from the effects of the anesthesia sedation.
You will be discharged ONLY when you have recovered sufficiently from the anesthetic effects and been evaluated by a physician. Home-care cataract instructions will be reviewed with you and the person assisting in your care. We suggest that someone stays with you for the first 24 hours after your surgery, but this is not necessary. You MUST have someone pick you up to drive you home after the surgery. The person can wait for you or we will call them when you are ready to go home. They must be available to pick you up when you are ready to leave the surgical center.
Week 1
Please allow at least 5 minutes between different types of drops.
Vigamox: Please use these drops until Thursday or discontinue using them earlier if you run out of this medication before Thursday.
Week 2
Please allow at least 5 minutes between different types of drops.
Vigamox: Please use these drops until Thursday or discontinue using them earlier if you run out of this medication before Thursday.
Week 3
Please allow at least 5 minutes between different types of drops.
Pred Forte: Please note that the number of drops starts to decrease on Monday. Please discontinue using Pred Forte on Friday.
Bromday: Please use this medication until the bottle is finished.
It is impossible to list and advise regarding every possible activity. You must evaluate those activities not listed using your own common sense. If in doubt, please call BEI at 310.507.7988.
Call Dr. Benjamin at 310.275.5533 immediately with increasing redness, pain, or worsening vision.
Life is beautiful. See it clearly.
Monday-Friday: 8AM-5PM
9201 Sunset Boulevard, Suite 709
West Hollywood, CA 90069
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with our team.